How to Book a Home Party
What a great reason for a fab night in and remember - booking a party is free - the onlt thing you need to splash out on is postage or calls and munchies.
To book a class, please call: 01235 819 744 or email
Here is what you'll need to answer to get the party booked:
Which date would you like to book your party for? ________________________________ Just in case, do you have an alternative
date you might like to hold the party on?___________________
Which party theme would you like to book? Here Be Dragons!, Divination, Jewellery, Pagan Stuff, Sticks, Wicks and Scents, Spellcrafting or Gothic circle ONE per party night ONLY PLEASE.
Magical, Muggle or Mixed? (circle one)
Where are you located?________________________________________________________________________________________
How many invitations would you like?____________ Does your home include pets? Yes/No (please remember to keep pets
away from the party area as they may eat things not good for their tender tummies)
Is anyone Pagan UnFriendly in your home? Yes/No Can incense be burned in your home? Yes/No