'Flying Ointment' or 'Sabat Unguent' Recipe
You will find that flying ointments all have similar ingredients but the all differ. This is because there are a limited number of herbs which actually cause any sort of relaxation of the body and heightening of the senses. Fewer are legal and available to non-herbalist practitioners. Scott Cunningham seems to be the root of many of today's flying ointments, having an excellent section on this in his book "Incense Oils and Brews" which does describe a base similar to the one used here. This is not the only way to make an ointment base - additional blends are provided after the recipe itself. Doreen Valiente also gives about 6 pages to flying ointments including recipes and potential origins and effects of said ointments. She, as does every other author, cautions against the use of flying ointments. This flying ointment has been created to help facilitate astral travel but alone it will not cause it. It uses a standard base modified from Scott Cunningham and herbs and essential oils which, in the author's opinion, will help facilitate the object of using a flying ointment. Cautions and further information follow the recipe.
Here's what you'll need (all herbs and oils used are available from New Moon and are legal in the UK) :
1 cup pure beeswax
2/3 cup of jojoba oil mixed with 1/4 cup of wheatgerm oil
9 drops of the pure essential oil of juniper berry
9 drops of the pure essential oil of bog myrtle
9 drops of the pure essential oil of mysore sandalwood
9 drops of the pure essential oil of yarrow
9mL total of a combination of the pure essential oils of matricaria chamomile, rose otto, jasmine
3 grams of poppy petals *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of hops *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of wormwood *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of dittany of Crete *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of passionflower *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of skullcap *do not crush or they won't strain*
3 grams of lavender *do not crush or they won't strain*
In a glass double boiler (a pot used in making candles to melt the beeswax at a lower temperature and prevent wax fires) - do not use metal, melt the beeswax gently using as low a heat as possible. Once the beeswax has melted, mix in half of the jojoba/wheatgerm oil combination until it is smooth. Once the mix is smooth (you have just made the base) then add your herbs to this mixture. Once added, keep at as low a temperature as possible, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon putting your magickal intention into the mixture so as to charge it (or a very clean stick which you sanded and created just for this purpose. Doing this increases the magickal intent of the mixture and so helps give it a boost).
After 33 min, ensure that the beeswax is quite liquid and use a mesh strainer you don't intend to use again to strain out the herbs from the mixture of beeswax and jojoba oil and place the mix back into the glass double boiler. Don't worry if you still have some herb in it however the herb will decay and so this shortens the life of your mix.
By this time, if you have kept your mixture at a constant low temperature, you should notice that it has a slightly different consistency from cooling. Now combine the remaining jojoba oil and the wheatgerm oil with the mixture the flower based essential oils (jasmine, rose, etc) in a separate container. Before the beeswax and jojoba oil mix begins to harden and without adding more heat, add first the pure essential oils (bog myrtle, juniper berry, etc) then the essential oils and base oils mix . This needs to be done when the mixture is as cool as possible but still fluid as essential oils are volatile and lose potency when heated to too high a temperature.
Now that you have finished you can pour your mix into glass, heatproof jars (as it will still be warm) and let it cool. Cap only after it has cooled and store in a cool, dark place. I suggest storing it in the fridge with the jar tightly capped to avoid moisture getting in. Use within a month - this mixture is not suitable for long term storage but can last under perfect conditions for 2 - 3 months.
This ointment is potent. Use it carefully and treat it with respect as you should all herbs and essential oils. Just because they are herbs, doesn't mean they are safe. To use, apply first a small amount to the inside of your elbow to check for reactions. Then if it is safe, apply a small amount in a thin coating to the inside of your wrist and a small amount to your temples. For faster absorption, spread a thin coating on the soles of your feet. While books which talk about flying ointments suggest smearing it all over your body, I do not recommend this approach.
Keep this mix away from your eyes nose, mouth and other sensitive areas of your body. Contrary to what you may have read on the web, this should *not* be placed in the genital area of the body. Do *not* ingest this mixture. As this mixture contains oils with contraindications, I suggest that you avoid using this mix if you: are pregnant, have high blood pressure, have a history of mental illness, or if you are suffering from prolonged insomnia.
Alternate base combinations - these vary in room temperature state from quite solid to quite liquid. You can vary the firmness of the mixture you need by altering the amount of beeswax or oil used - more beeswax for a firmer mix, more oil or a softer mix. Recipes for bases are guidelines only and after adding herbs or oils, you may feel the need to adjust the firmness. I suggest placing a teaspoon of the mix in the freezer to check for firmness before adding more wax or oil. There is no need for tincture of benzoin as is so popular with some recipes as this tincture is used for mixtures containing a shortening or fatty base where the fat is solid at room temperature.
8 parts beeswax to 1 part vegetable oil
2 parts beeswax to 1 part lanoline and 1 part almond oil
5 parts beeswax to 1 part base oil
3 parts beeswax to 1 part jojoba oil
1 part beeswax to 1 part almond oil
3 parts almond oil to 1 part beeswax
4 parts oil to 1 part beeswax
8 parts olive oil to one part beeswax
Doreen Valiente asserts that of the several existing possible translations of the original Latin recipe, all contain herbs which are poisonous but which may bring on a common experience which is what has been described as the Witch's Sabat. A combination of the deadly thornapple, henbane, deadly nightshade, wild celery and parsley (presumably to combat that horrible 'morning after the sabat before' breath) were used in a base of hog's fat and this was applied to two participants who had no notion of what it would do, what witches apparently did or any knowledge of flying ointments. They both described similar visions of orgiastic rites performed by demons which begs the question of whether this particular poisonous combination taps our collective unconsious or a race memory. We may never know as those are so deadly, it is unlikely research could possibly proceed.
Some sources:
"An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present" by Doreen Valiente
"How Do Witches Fly?" by Dr. Alexander Kuklin
"Witch Hill" by Marion Zimmer Bradley
"Magical Herbalism" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham
"Wicca Craft" by Gerina Dunwich
"Hallucinogens and Shamanism", edited by Michael Harner
"The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless
"The Herb Book" by John Lust
"A Modern Herbal" by Mrs. M. Grieve
"The Master Book of Herbalism" by Paul Beyerl
"Magical Aromatherapy" by S Cunningham
Wylundt's Book of Incense" by Wylundt
This recipe was contributed by Straif Blackthorn, a professional aromatherapist and witch of over 15 years. She has combined her knowledge of plants and essential oils plus her techniques for making pure skin care products to bring you this recipe. The books sited above represent only a small number of those which have served Straif Blackthorn well in the creation of the blending of herbs and the search for legal alternatives to henbane, datura, monkshood, cowbane, mandrake, and other reputed ingredients of the ancient flying ointments. You may copy this to your website provided all the information is left in tack and a link to the originating website is maintained.
Copyright remains with the original author