Solid 'Flying Ointment' Recipe
Here's what you'll need (all herbs and oils used are available from New Moon and are legal in the UK) :
1/2 of a 500gm bar of beeswax (unlisted but available from new moon for £13/$24)
10 drops of the pure essential oil of bog myrtle
9 drops of the pure essential oil of hops
10 drops of the pure essential oil of linden (careful! often adulterated!)
11 drops of the pure essential oil of jasmine
8 drops of the pure essential oil of Mysore Sandalwood
12 drops of the pure essential oil of ylang ylang
In a double boiler melt the beeswax gently using as low a heat as possible using a wooden spoon to stir. This will coat the spoon in wax but this is necessary before adding the essential oils.. Once the beeswax has melted, allow to cool slightly without allowing to harden. At this point, remove the wax from heat and water and add all your essential oils gently stirring with a wooden spoon until they are completely mixed into the wax.
Once done, pour small quantities into small ceramic solid perfume vials and cap tightly. You now have a witches flying ointment in a portable perfume!
To use, apply first a small amount to the inside of your elbow and wait 24h to check for reactions. Then if it is safe, apply a small amount to the inside of your wrists and your temples before going into ritual.
Do not use this mix if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or have high blood pressure as these oils could be toxic to your baby and may cause an elevated heart rate. This will not work as a candle.
Some sources:
"An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present" by Doreen Valiente
"Magical Aromatherapy" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham
"The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless
This recipe was contributed by Straif Blackthorn, a professional aromatherapist and witch of over 15 years. She has combined her knowledge of plants and essential oils plus her techniques for making pure skin care products to bring you this recipe. The books sited above represent only a small number of those which were referred to in order to create this recipe. You may copy this to your website provided all the information is left in tact and a link to the originating website is maintained.
Copyright remains with the original author